Western Great Mountain - Mount Hua

Mount Hua is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains" of China. Mount Hua is located in the Shanxi Province, about 100 kilometres east of the city of Xi'an, near the city Huayin. The mountain has five peaks. It is famous for its natural vistas of steep and narrow paths, precipitous crags, and a high mountain range. It is home to several influential Taoist temples where emperors of past dynasties made pilgrimages, making Mt. Huashan the holy land of Taoism.

Usually tourists climb up the mountain assisted by the iron chains along the way and start their tour from Yuquan Yuan (Jade Spring Temple), one of the main Taoist temples in China located at the foot of Mt. Huashan. The path up the south peak is rumored to be the most dangerous hiking trail on earth, because it partly consists of thin wooden planks mounted on a cliff with chains to hold on.