Sexy Chinese cheongsam part 2

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When the Manchu established and ruled China in the Qing Dynasty, certain social strata emerged. Among them were the Banners (qí), mostly Manchu, who as a group were called Banner People ( pinyin: qí rén). Manchu women typically wore a one-piece dress that came to be known as the qípáo (banner quilt). The qipao fitted loosely and hung straight down the body. Under the dynastic laws after 1644, all Han Chinese were forced to wear a queue and dress in Manchurian qipao instead of traditional Han Chinese clothing , under penalty of death. In the following 300 years, the qipao became the adopted clothing of the Chinese and was eventually tailored to suit the preferences of the population. Such was its popularity that the garment form survived the political turmoil of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution that toppled the Qing Dynasty. The qipao after several centuries, became the archetypal dress for China.
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